Hemp Milk DIY

My mom was not feeling well and I wanted her to be as comfortable as possible. I heard about Hemp Milk but never tried it until I decided to make my own. This way I knew exactly what was going into it. The seeds are easy to find in grocery or health food stores. They remind me of soft sesame seeds.  I gave mom my freshly made hemp milk  when I made her favorite cafe latte that she loves so much. Mom said “It is a little thicker and rather filling in a nice way.” I got 5 stars on that one! Mom feels right as rain now with this nutritious hemp milk.

Hemp milk is not just another nutty milk or cereal milk even though the seed is sometimes called a nut. It is much more sustainable than other crops. Important nutrients are in hemp that are good for the environment. Hemp captures high quantities of carbon dioxide and hemp naturally regenerates the soil in which it is grown. No pesticides needed. A hardy plant.

According to Dr. Andrew Weil, hemp seeds contain no THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol), the psychoactive substance found in marijuana[2] but instead, contain a three-to-one ratio of Omega-6 and Omega-3 essential fatty acids and other nutrients include vitamin A, magnesium, phytosterols, ascorbic acid, beta-carotene, calcium, fiber, iron, potassium, phosphorus, riboflavin, niacin and thiamin.

Other benefits of hemp is that it has all 10 essential amino acids. One serving of this milk (250ml ) provides 50% of your daily allowance of Omega 3. GMO and alergen free. It is not a dairy product. As an added benefit, there are no  artificial sweeteners, colours or preservatives.

From thechalkboardmag.com we got this great recipe to make your own hemp milk. I’m sure they would be happy to share it with you.Learn how to make this delicious, easy nut milk at home – the simplest version yet: no soaking required!hemp-milk-recipe
Photo credit: Emily Knecht

A few items are required: a good blender, a woven nut milk bag, veggie bag or piece of cheesecloth,  a funnel, a large bowl to strain the milk in, and jars or bottles for the finished product.


1 cup hemp hearts (also called seeds or shelled hemp nuts)
3 to 4 cups filtered or spring water (3 cups for thicker milk, and up to 4 cups for thinner)
1 Tbsp of coconut oil (optional)
2 Tbsp of raw honey or a few drops of stevia
1/2 Tbsp of organic vanilla powder
A pinch of Himalayan pink salt (or other unprocessed sea salt)


1) In a high speed blender, add hemp and water.
2) Blend on high for about two minutes, until fully liquified.
3) Strain into a wide glass bowl through a milk bag. (You can find a milk bag online or at health food stores. You can also use woven veggie storage bags).
4) Discard the hemp fibers from the bag.
5) Rinse the blender and pour the milk back into the blender from the bowl.
6) Add coconut oil (if using), honey or stevia, vanilla powder and salt. Blend briefly. Remember milk is sweet. Drinking any milk you are looking for a slight sweetness. People like coconut milk because it is sweet. Personally, I would add almond or hazelnut extract, especially if I am having it with coffee.

Hemp milk is thick and can be used for your coffee cream.

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